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Important Facts & Figures About Smoke Damage & Restoration

Published by Allegra on October 19, 2021 in category: Uncategorized

facts about smoke damageFires destroy homes and properties. We know a lot about the dangers of fires and the damage they can cause, but one thing we don’t talk about is how harmful smoke damage is to people trapped in that home and to the property itself.

There are many other important facts about smoke damage that people are not commonly aware of. Knowing them early on can help you protect yourself and your family from the health issues caused by this damage. Not only that, but you can also save your house’s structural integrity and the value of your home if you take steps to restore smoke damage early on.

Reach out to reputable restoration companies that could help you fight against smoke damage after a fire and make your home a safe place to live in. If you’re in West Wyoming, 911Restoration is at your service!

1.   Smoke Damage Is a Result of Fire Damage

After the fire, you will see a lot of damages to your property. Some parts of the property would be water damaged due to hosing the fire down, and the fire itself would damage some belongings, and the remaining will be covered in soot and smoke damage. The smoke damage would be in the environment around your property because where there is fire, there will be smoke. Even small fires can cause a significant amount of smoke and soot damage that lingers on even after the fire has been put out.

To restore all damage quickly, reach out to restoration companies in the area to make this process easier for you. 911 Restoration will provide you with professionals 24/7 to help you during this traumatic time.

2.   Smoke Damage Is Harmful to Health

The smoke released during a fire is made up of a lot of harmful components. The main and the fatal one is carbon monoxide, and this gas is the leading cause of death during fires. It also contains carbon dioxide and soot, which can be harmful when inhaled. Inhaling smoke can cause a lot of respiratory issues and cause severe damage to the lungs.

The toxins released in the smoke depend more on the object burnt; if it were a toxic object that was radioactive, then the smoke released would have lethal components.

3.   Smoke Damage Is Not Easy to Clean

The quicker you deal with smoke damage, the better. The first step is to open all windows and doors to ventilate your space. But soon it is recommended to call a professional restoration company to do the job. If you try to do it yourself, make sure you take proper precautions because it can be a health hazard.

Don’t try to wash painted walls on your own, clean the carpet, or touch anything sooty with your bare skin. Wear proper clothing and rubber gloves to prevent the transfer of oil from your skin, setting the soot. Not only will bare hands make the removal tough but exposing your skin to soot can be a health hazard. This way, you can unknowingly be spreading soot to other parts of your home.

In addition, use the right products and equipment; trying to clean certain things without the correct equipment can worsen the smoke damage.

4.   Smoke Damage Can Travel Throughout the House

Even though the fire was small scale and only in the kitchen area near the stove, the smoke released can travel to other areas of the house through vents and HVAC systems. Depending on the house’s airflow, smoke damage has been found in spaces that seem to be closed, such as in cabinets and behind drapes or on curtains in rooms far away from where the fire took place. That is why sometimes a fire in the kitchen can end up making your clothes in your bedroom smell smoky.

5.   Smoke Damage Can Ruin Textiles

Smoke can travel through vents to different rooms of the house and damage curtains, upholstery, clothes, carpets, etc.; taking off soot and washing that smoky smell off is not easy; that is why the quicker you act, the better.

Take out all your clothing and take them to a dry cleaner or laundromat. 911 Restoration has the expertise to clean and wash other textiles in your home to make them smell fresh and new.

6.   Smoke Damage Can Ruin Furniture

Also, just hours after a fire, smoke can ruin the finishing of wood furniture, and your furniture’s metal parts can rust. Smoke can cause furniture and metal to become discolored, and if you take too long to act, the damage done would be irreversible.

Call 911 Restoration Now!

Reach out to professional restoration and clean-up company to inspect your house for smoke damage after some fire damage. Such reputable companies have experts who know how to clean smoke and restore your damaged belongings. 911 Restoration in West Wyoming has the specialized equipment, cleaning agents, and years of experience to restore smoke damage. If you’re looking for a Restoration Company in West Wyoming, our services are available 24/7, and in case of emergencies, we cater to your needs within 45 minutes. Call now at (307) 204-4200!

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